Wednesday, December 15, 2010


My husband and I are going to visit my Dad for Christmas. It's a bit of a drive up to Michigan, and he smokes, so it's quite likely that I won't be getting to do yoga anytime soon. However, the peace and stability that I get from yoga can be achieved ten-fold by a crackling fire, the twinkle of Christmas tree lights, my hubby all snuggled in next to me, a mug of coffee, and my family all around.

Happy holidays, everyone!
Merry Christmas
happy Hanukkah
Randy Ramadan
Kwazzy Kwanzaa...

I don't care what the fuck you celebrate, just have a good one.
Peace and good will and all that jazz.

...And please forgive the infrequency of my posts over the next few weeks. Not quite sure where I'll be or when I'll be around a computer, next....


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