Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Candles and thankfulness

Recently (and by recently, I just mean this last week since I've gotten home from holiday vacation) I've been lighting a little candle before my practice. This serves a multifunctional purpose.

1.) extra light (I keep the lighting VERY dim because I have to practice in the same room as my sleeping husband)
2.) something upon which to meditate.

Would it be weird to say that a little candle makes all the difference? It's true, though! Usually I just get up and drag myself through my morning, including my yoga routine. But stopping, sitting, lighting a candle, setting an intention for my practice, and thinking about what I am grateful for this day makes me stop and allows me to flow into the proper mind set for yoga.
Granted, this morning I was a little tired, anyway, so I just sort of tuned out shortly after starting. This isn't necessarily a bad thing. I just didn't get as much of a high from the poses as I usually do.

Who would have thought one little peach-cobbler-scented ball of wax could change your entire mindset, and thus your entire day?


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