Thursday, January 27, 2011

Felted bag

Recently, I discovered the art of felting. Felting is a process whereby you use hot water and agitation to turn a woolen, knitted piece into a solid piece of fabric. It's a pretty amazing process. I knitted and felted an iPod cozy for my husband, and that was it - I was hooked!
(For more information on felting, see here or here.)

Now, I'm starting a bag. I got this super neat wool yarn for Christmas from my mother-in-law and have been waiting for the perfect project. I think I found it!
Check out the pattern of the dye. How it almost argyles all on its own:

This is about how big it is going to be. The piece will shrink somewhat in felting. It usually shrinks about 5-10%, so if you're felting a piece, you should plan for that.

This is just the front panel. Next, I have to knit the back panel, then the two side panels, and finally the strap. Then I just sew it all together and pop that baby in the washer to felt it. I'm so excited! I think it's going to look fantastic when it's done, don't you?

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