Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Semester approaching

Here in our little library sphere, the new Spring semester is quickly approaching. It seems like just yesterday that we were saying tearful farewells for our Christmas break. (Maybe not so much tearful...) Now we spend our days checking and double checking our lists, making sure that we having everything in place and ready for the next onslaught of students. Already our attendance numbers are picking up. People are coming in early to get their books and log onto computers to make sure there's nothing wrong with their accounts. (Joke's on them; IT wipes their accounts between semesters and reloads them right before the next semester, so when they log in and find nothing, they panic.) These measures of preparedness on the student's part seem a bit excessive for a community college, but that's just my opinion.
Point is, things are gearing up for another semester. I'm almost ready. I'm just finishing up a few projects and steeling myself for another semester of rude and impatient adolescents. You never know, though. I might be pleasantly surprised...

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