Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Boot camp yoga?

I've been debating purchasing Jillian Michael's new DVD: "Yoga Meltdown." I think she's very strong and athletic, and I would love to give some of her videos a try. And, naturally, the yoga sounds like the most fun. But do I really want boot camp yoga? Doesn't that sort of go against the whole concept of peace and meditation and stuff? It seems a little at odds, but I'm willing to try anything twice. Wish me luck!

P.S. Heard a great detox trick the other day: three times a day, mix a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar with 8oz of water and drink. It boosts your metabolism and cleans you out (if ya know what I mean!)

P.P.S. I meditated for four minutes straight yesterday without falling asleep once! Go me!


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