Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Tuesday AND Wednesday!

It's now Tuesday...AND Wednesday! How about that? Two days in one!

Library Tuesday: Nothing really big or exciting to report in the my library world of late. We're hoping to remodel our little library sometime in the next few years, although I'm not sure I like the look of the latest mockup...
More funding is being cut from libraries nationwide. Every day I'm very grateful for my job.

Yoga Wednesday:
I've been reading this book, called Poser: my life in 23 yoga poses. In it, the author, Claire Dederer, has been talking quite a lot about Vinyasa yoga of late. Vinyasa is a fast-paced, flowing sequence that often repeats poses many times before moving on.
Like Claire, my practice up until now has been mostly Hatha and Iyengar yoga, which focus on flowing with the breath and holding poses for extended periods of time. But as I'm reading about all this leaping and sweating, I'm thinking: 'that kind of goes against what I was told yoga was about. But in movement, can one not also find stillness?'
So I decided to give it a go. My morning yoga is now Vinyasa. It's kind of hard to push myself to go faster in the morning, but I've been doing it. I haven't quite gotten the stillness in movement bit. I'm still just trying to coordinate balancing while I hold a pose then move, then hold a pose then move, quite quickly. I'm working on it, though!
What are your thoughts on Vinyasa? Do you think it would be fun, or would it be too hard that it goes against what you think yoga should be (more relaxing)?


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