Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Thankfulness when I want to punch a llama in the face

I'll be totally honest. As I sit here, deliberating over wedding invites and reception games, budgeting for the honeymoon, and occasionally considering a radical haircut, I find it very difficult to find a topic for my Yoga Wednesday post.
I guess the stress ties into it, though. The stress of planning a wedding on top of just living daily life can make me want to smack something. It's good to stop, take a breath, and remember conscientious living, though. It really helps to just stop, identify how I feel and what's making me feel that way, and what needs to be done to make me feel better. Sometimes, it's listing everything I like. Sometimes, it's chocolate.
I've recently taken up running. I'm up to an 11.5 minute mile, now, though 12 minutes is my average. This is really good to get out some agression. But, at the end of the day, once I've wearied of striving, the best thing to do is just sit, breathe, and be thankful for all the wonderful things and people in my life. I have much to be thankful for.

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