Monday, July 30, 2012

DIY All Natural Bathroom CHALLENGE

Hey there,

You might have noticed I'm a bit challenge-happy of late.  Why, you may ask?
So glad you did.
You see, my friend, all natural is better.  I'm sure most people agree.  What's better for your body, an apple or some potato chips?  A candy bar or a glass of milk?  A bag of McDonald's french fries or a handful of nuts?  If you have the merest shred of common sense, you will most likely have chosen the apple, milk, and nuts, respectively.  Why should the stuff you slather all over your body be any different?  Your skin is the largest organ in your body, it actually absorbs whatever is laid on it (albeit at a slower rate than if you were to ingest the substance); why lather your body in chemicals if you don't have to do so?
I ran across this nifty website (thank you Pinterest, and coworker, Susan!) and decided to take this wonderful lady's challenge.  Change something in your daily routine every week.  Substitute for a natural solution.  One week: natural shampoo.  The next week: natural toothpaste.  See if you don't notice a difference.
I embark upon this challenge with admitted trepidation, but wholehearted enthusiasm, nonetheless.  I know I will notice a difference.  The only question is, good or bad?

Do you use any home remedies?  Do you brush your teeth with baking soda or condition your hair with apple cider vinegar?  Got any recipes for me to try?  I'm all ears!

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