Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Learning to Relax

With the Fall semester will come some major stress.  I'm ok with this.  I signed up for it.  I knew what I was getting into.  But it's still daunting.  I'm looking at full time school, full time work, and possibly another part time job on the side.  With all this going on, I'm going to need to learn to breathe, let go, and relax.
I'm not a very "let-it-go" type of person.  Let me put it this way, I make a list of "fun, spontaneous" things I want to do on my days off.  Yeah.  I need help.  So lately I've been trying very hard to slow down, both at home and at work.  I have a tendency to run around like a chicken with its head cut off until a project or task is finished.  I am forcing myself to stop, redistribute my energy, take a breath, and be calm before continuing with any task or reaction.  It doesn't always work, but I am still trying.  Our society as a whole is entirely too busy.  We lack the time, focus, and appreciation to sit and contemplate or meditate, or relax, or just be happy being.  I know I, for one, need to turn my thoughts inward more.  Learn to let things go, to laugh at myself.  I will make mistakes, and it's ok.  As long as I learn something and appreciate the ride.

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