Wednesday, May 29, 2013


Am I crazy?  It is a distinct possibility.  I experiment a lot.  The average person might think I'm a few meter shy of a mile.  But it's like I told my husband:  I don't know what works for me; that's what I'm trying to figure out!  If honey on the face works -  great!  If I have to take a mud bath once a week - what the hey! But I find great joy in experimenting with foods and DIY stuff and homemade-all-natural-this-and-that.  It makes me feel thrifty and green... and just plain healthy!  I don't subscribe to the notion that you should live in a bubble.  Heck no!  Experience your life; it's your to live, afterall!  If dancing on a stage brings you joy - go for it!  If riding a bull is where you find inspiration - bless you both (you and the bull).   For some reason, poking and prodding and testing and experimenting gives me pleasure.  So I'll keep figuring out "what works for me" and in the mean time, I'll have fun trying new stuff.  Like a very wise woman once said:
"Take chances, make mistakes, get messy!"
Afterall, what is life for if not to learn?

1 comment:

  1. You are not crazy. I wish I had a bit more time to experiment.
