Monday, September 30, 2013

5-Day Raw Challenge Intro

     Today I am embarking on a special challenge.  This challenge scares me and excites me at the same time.  When I first heard about it, I couldn't wait to start.  That's how I knew it was for me.
     The challenge: eat raw for one week (five days).  This may not be as bad as it sounds.  I already eat primarily raw throughout the day.  The only time I eat cooked stuff it at night.  This just means not having a glass of wine with dinner and eschewing that tempting bag of chips when I get home from work, ravenous.  Instead, replace with nuts and fruit.  Duh.  Super easy!  I know it looks easy from this side of hunger, and that as soon as that belly starts to growl I will no longer be in love with this plan, but that's ok!  That's why it's a challenge.
     So, what I'm planning on doing (let's emphasize that, because you know no matter how much I plan, I can never make everything go 100% as it should) is sticking - loosely -  to the loose meal plan Freelee set out to help those doing the challenge.  Wait a minute... who's Freelee, you ask?  I forgot the most important part!  I'm not alone!  This is a big challenge that people all over the world will be taking part in.  It was started by this insanely healthy chick called Freelee.  
You can check out her YouTube channel here
Her website here
and the facebook group (in case you want to get in on the challenge, as well) here.
     Anywho, so I'm going to be sticking more or less to this meal plan (except substituting broccoli and carrots for lettuce because I just can't eat a whole head of lettuce by myself, and possibly allowing a cup of coffee per day {I tried no coffee this morning and it is not working, folks}) and trying to remember to take pictures for you guys so you can see portion size, etc.  Mind you, when you eat raw, high-carb, vegan foods, you are going to be eating a lot.  But that's ok!  That's what it's supposed to be!  These are the foods our bodies process the most efficiently, and - personally - I think that's because it's the most basic food.  These are the foods that human kind has been eating from the very beginning, so our bodies know what to do with each and every calorie.  You don't have to worry about getting fat when you eat like this (even if you eat an entire bag of apples in one sitting for a meal.... guilty), for one because your body will digest it so efficiently that there will be no excess to store as fat, and for another because you naturally need to eat more of this stuff for it to stay in your system and keep you full for longer.
     There you have it.  I'll try to keep you posted on my adventure (as it is sure to be).

Yours fatfully --
("'Faithfully,' dear, he means 'faithfully.'"  "Well he can't spell.")

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