Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Library News and notes of statistical caution

Note to the library world at large (because apparently this is a slight epidemic):

If you're going to keep vitally important statistics and rely on them for all kinds of reports and documents, perhaps you should assign more than one person to try to keep stats on the entire comings and goings of the library. And - just a thought - maybe you should get people who care about the library to oversee and take these statistics. Instead of student workers. Who, as we all know, really couldn't give two rat farts over Egypt.

In further news, the job I applied for at Harper College in Chicago has already been filled. Too bad. $15 an hour and all they were asking for was a high school diploma. The kicker: it's the job I have now for $11 an hour, a wage which recently got cut due to state tax.


Oh well. We'll just keep chuggin' along, I guess.

That is all.

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