Tuesday, November 15, 2011


I realize that I have not posted to this blog in over.... What? Almost a year? Maybe more? (To be perfectly honest, I didn't look at the last date I posted something. All I know is that I'm horribly remiss.)
((Side note: I also realize that I start almost everything with "I." Damn, I'm narcissistic!))

Some cool things that have happened since my last posting:

-Nate and I got married. (woot! 9-10-11, bitches!)
-We went on our honeymoon to the Bahamas. (We took a cruise and it was delightful, even if we both got horendous sinus infections.)
-We added two new members to our ever-growing family: Lilly and Caledonia. They were two stray tuxedo kittens we found, no more than three months old; now they are a part of our family.
-Our family is currently looking for new digs. By digs I mean a house or trailor that we can afford, that has a yard, and that will accept pets. We have the perfect park picked out, we just need an available trailor. The park is right next door to where I will be going to school next year. Which brings me to our next update...
-I start at Eureka college Fall 2012. I'll be full-time student and employee at ICC. Yikes! It's a full plate. But I figure if my mum can go to school full-time, work full-time, have a part-time job, AND take care of two kids and a dog, I can do it, too. Call me ambitious.
-I've started running, training for a half-marathon. My goal is to be able to run to work and back come Spring/Summer, thereby reducing the cost of gas significantly!

I think that's about it...
I'm also going to be shutting down the other blogs I have on here. There's really no need for them. I have a blog here chronicling Nate's and my married life. I figure, everything else can be covered here, under my personal blog. When the time comes to have a little bubbela, I'll make sure to link that new blog to this blog, too. Not that anyone reads any of them.

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