Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Growing Up

Funny how fast time flies, isn't it? One minute, you're just settling into a new town in Jr. High, the next you're graduated, married, and all your friends are starting to have kids. It's just weird! One of my best friends, whom I met aeons ago in Jr. High, is expecting her first child. A baby girl, Anna, who was suppose to arrive on Monday. She's taking her sweet time, though! It just blows my mind that we've all of a sudden become adults! It seems like we were just in school, then we look up and the entire landscape of our lives has changed.
I know she'll be an amazing mother, and it also makes me kind of excited for the day when Nate and I can have a little one of our own. We have a few things to get through, first, however. We have to finish up our degrees and find a more stable living situation. Then I think I'll feel more confident in bringing another human into this world.
Until then, I can't wait to cuddle other people's squirmy bundles of joy!

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