Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Swappin it up like a villain (and also a note about how awesome technology can be)

A friend and coworker has introduced me to what can only be described as my latest obsession.
(Or whooping, if you prefer. No, not the cough.)
Whoopdwhoop.com is a site where you can trade hand-made crafts, no currency involved! You buy/sell things for "whoops." The shipping, you pay yourself (if you're sending the craft); but if you think about it, that's only, like, a dollar and a half for some awesome piece of custom jewelry! Some of the stuff for "sale" isn't of the highest caliber, but I am just loving the adventure of making things for people and seeing the response. I just received another swap request. So far, people seem to like the hat I've posted!

I will have to get to work right away on the hat, since I said I'd ship it Monday, but it might have to wait for tomorrow because tonight (wonder of wonders, miracle of miracles) the husband has agreed to go running with me!!!!! It's only a mile, but I'm just ecstatic that he's agreed to come with me.
Perhaps I should explain: you see, my husband is not all that active. His perfect day is sitting and playing WoW from morning till night, with various pauses for food and waste elimination. On his days off, does anything get done around the house? No. I come home to a what looks like a war-zone. Clothes strewn about everywhere, empty wrappers and plates and cups littering every surface. It's gross.
But I guess I wore him down by asking every. single. day. if he would like to come running with me. He finally made me a deal: he would come running with me every Tuesday and Thursday. Yay! I love that man 'o' mine.

And now, a note on how awesome technology can be:
The same coworker and friend who introduced me to whoopdwhoop.com also got me into this beautiful YA distopian series. She sent me the latest book in epub format, but I've been unable to open it on my computer for the past month. It's been driving me nuts! But, today, we cracked the case! I was trying to open it in Adobe Reader 9, but it needed to be opened in Adobe Digital Editions. Oh, Adobe, you are a fickle mistress, indeed! Once I downloaded ADE, however, it opened beautifully, unfurling like a long lost friend before me.
As if things couldn't get any cooler, I was just lamenting the fact that my Droid phone didn't seem to have the capabilities to download the file from my email attachment and open it in Overdrive. My other awesome, amazing coworker/friend, who is also a fan of ebooks and convenience, told me that she tried the same thing for the longest time. It won't open on an Android phone, but it will open like a dream on a Nook. So glad I haven't gotten rid of my Nook, yet!
So, if you don't see me for a few days... weeks... whatever... It's because I am most likely inundated by swap requests and Christmas present to-do's, or because the hubby and I are finally gettin our fit on.

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