Thursday, January 26, 2012


And things were going so well...

About a month ago, my mother-in-law (still weird to say) signed up for a family plan at a local gym. The Ginger and I were put on as her kids, and I have certainly been utilizing it every second I get the chance. Classes, running on the treadmill, swimming...You name it, I do it on a regular basis! And I've really noticed the benefit. I've had more energy, I've been happier. Oh yeah, and I kind of am looking a bit more toned (maybe?). In fact, on the days that I don't get in a serious sweat session, I feel lathargic and depressed. Go figure! Tonight, I've actually convinced my mother-in-law to come with me to a Body Pump class. I am (forgive the pun) pumped!
I also recently got contacts and Ginge got a raise at work.
Things have been good... Really good...

But, alas, not all goodness and light can last long. The Ginger was in a car accident on Monday. He's fine (thank goodness! I don't know what I'd do if he wasn't!), but now we're shopping around for a new car for him. And, as you may have read in earlier posts, his credit isn't so wonderful. We found this out after we tried to buy a house last summer, and found that a bill that had gone into default when Ginge went to Iraq had dropped his credit score to a frighteningly miniscule amount. He's been super awesome about building it up since we learned this, but he still has a ways to go, so a full-on car loan will be hard to come by.

Despite these things, I do remain hopeful. We found a couple cars that he likes that would possibly be in our price range, if he can get a high-risk loan. His insurance will go up, but luckily not by much. And it's not like we were socking money away for anything big, anyway (well, besides the house). So I feel confident that everything will work out for us, we just have to be smart and patient about our money for a while.
The only selfish purchase I'm going to make for the next few months (meaning, something besides food and petrol) is a wedding band. My original wedding band cracked all the way through and is falling apart. I have my eye on a nice titanium band that will almost match Ginge's, and it's only about $35.00! After that, it's all cabage soup and crusty bread. But at least we'll have the bills paid off, our debts paid down, and I will still have yarn to knit and books to read. Life is good. It's best when it's simple and filled with love.

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