Friday, December 16, 2011

Holiday Parties

'Tis the season for company holiday parties, family holiday parties, friendly holiday parties... and lots of weight gain.
I haven't even approached the scale, yet. I'm too terrified of how much weight I've gained. Between the over-strained muscles and the decadent treats hiding around every corner, I'm afraid the gain will be substantial. For right now, though, I'm kind of taking a hands-off approach. This is gonna suck, I'm going to gain weight, and there's no way I'll be able to resist the tempting treats. But I can only take one cookies instead of five, and I can make sure that my portions are controlled (yet another thing I haven't been keeping track of lately), and when this holiday season is over, I can kick some major butt and get back into shape in no time. (I want my ab muscles back, dammit!) I just have to stick it out and try not to get too discouraged over these next couple weeks. This will be hard, but I'm confident I can do it.
...Just have to stay away from that damn puppy chow chex mix!

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