Friday, February 17, 2012

Ups and Downs and sickly-wicklies

Our poor little Callie was rather poorly, yesterday. She threw up just about every hour, even though she had nothing left in her poor little tummy to throw up. Her Da got concerned, and when I got home from work, we rushed her to the vet. Dr. Vetty Pants told us that she had no idea what was wrong with our wee little soldier. That most likely, she ate something that is not processing (i.e. not food something), and Vetty Pants would have to open her up to extract said piece of something. Before we could do that, we'd have to take X-Rays (about $150.00) and bloodwork (about $130.00) and antibiotics (about $80.00). If those don't solve the problem, or if the X-Rays turn out that she has something in her stomach, we'd have to do surgery, which would be around $1500.00. After a few emotional hours in Dr. Vetty Pants' office, we concluded that we couldn't pay for the X-Rays or, really, the antibiotics, right now. And we certainly couldn't pay for the surgery. If it came to that, we'd have to put her down. So we opted to take the little one home, force feed her some water, and wait to see if she felt any better through the next day. If she didn't, in for the X-Rays she goes. If she does, fantastic! Imagine our relief when this morning she's bouncing around like her usual self, drinking water of her own accord, and even sniffing and licking at her food. Hopefully, she stays well all day, today. Her devoted Da stayed home to take care of her.
That, obviously, was both an up and a down.
Another up: The Ginge finally found a car! It's a Saab, and he loves it! I'm so glad that he was able to find something to affordable and so safe.
The blanket I've been making is still coming along. I'm a little over halfway finished with it, now. I didn't realize just how many squares I would have to make! It's a good thing granny square are so enjoyable. I can knock out two or three in one sitting while watching a tv show or a movie.
Besides that, I've just been plugging away at life. Trying to lose some weight and firm up with gym classes and The Petite Advantage Diet, by Jim Karas.
Life is pretty calm and pretty peaceful from where I sit, right now. I know that challenges are coming, and I'm hoping to rest up thoroughly so that when they hit, I can welcome them for the learning opportunities they will surely be.

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