What did I do over the weekend? I got burnt to a crisp. Booyah.
On Saturday, the Village of Metamora hosted a parade to celebrate Old Settlers Days (the almost-week-long-fair that sets up RIGHT in FRONT of our WINDOW, goes on far too long into the night - lights out sometime after 10, but the drunken cavorting and loudness goes on till at least 11:30 - and is generally the most obnoxious thing of the year), in which the high school band marched. My youngest brother is in this high school band. Why?! Where did the years go!?! High school already?!?!
Here's a picture of the band. My brother is the tall one in the back.
There was, of course, much lazing to be done that day. Lolly managed to accomplish a good portion of this.
And there was baking to consider. See? My vegan drop biscuit experiment! (They're actually pretty good. Best with a bit of honey on top. ;) )
Aaaaaaand I might have also experimented with some vegan microwave chocolate cake.
Yum yum!
On Sunday, we met up with a group of friends and went innertubing down the Mackinaw River. There are no photos of this trip for several reasons. 1.) I was terrified of dropping my phone in the river, so I just didn't bring it. 2.) There were many humiliations and indecencies, and I probably would have only been able to capture a few snaps that didn't involve someone peeing in the woods or something, and 3.)Too much effort.
That being said, I was able to take a few snaps of the aftermath. Prepare yourself for my crispy limbs!
Yeah... First degree burns despite at least three coats of waterproof sunscreen. I couldn't walk the next day. It was not fun.
The innertubing was hella fun, though! We plan to go, again, in the next couple weeks. This time, however, I will cover up my legs and invest in some SPF 120!
What fun mischief did you get up to this weekend?
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