Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Manukah Honey trial day 1

Morning, ya'all!
So in an attempt to make my life more natural (because I am super over-the-edge-mother-earth-hippie chick and proud of it!), I have started washing my face with manukah honey.

Why you may ask?
Because a.) slathering chemical stuff on my face is just icky, and I don't want to justify it any longer!  b.) countless testimonials and science has confirmed the usefuleness of manukah honey as a natural cleanser that is gentle enough for facial skin.

Why manukah?
Manukah is a natural, raw honey.  The good stuff is grown, packaged, and imported from New Zealand.  It has excellent natural antibacterial properties and scrub down into the pores and draw out any impurities.  Honey is also a natural moisturizer.  (What's the main ingredient in so many natural lip balms?  You guessed it!  Honey!)

I put it... where?!
On my face.  That's right!  All over my face.  Ok.  This sounds weird, I know.  My husband is pretty sure I've missed the bend in the road and barreled right on through to crazy town.  First the no-poo thing and now this... ?!

What I'm doing (and I may switch it up as time goes by to see what works best for my skin)
In the morning:  1.) wash hands... smear honey on... let sit for 30 minutes or more
                           2.)  then rinse and do my hair and stuff

In the evening:   1.) take off any makeup with pure, organic coconut oil ( a little goes a long way here!)
                           2.)  a little witch hazel for astringent to get any nasty dirt or excess grease sitting on the surface of my skin.
                           3.)  honey on (make sure hands are clean when putting anywhere near your face!), let it sit a few minutes while I brush my teeth, etc., then rinse off.  A few minutes is good, but no need for a long mask since I already did that in the morning.

Admittedly, this is day two.  But I have high hopes!  My skin is soft, and doesn't feel excessively greasy like I thought it might.  I actually see my acne marks starting to fade!  (Already on day one!?  "Wonder of wonders, miracle of miracles!")  Only time can tell what following days will bring, but I think this can really help me!  The ultimate goal is to get my skin used to this, then go off products all together.  It's called the caveman regimen, and it makes a lot of solid sense, as well.  More to come on this in a later post.
So... honey on the face.... It's not sticky, it's actually pretty nifty, and my hubby says my kisses taste even sweeter, now!

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