Today, I cleaned - and I mean CLEANED - the library. I arranged all the Ginge's wires and computer-y stuff and got my study area all set up and prepped. I was too embarrassed of how to looked to take before pictures; sorry! You'll just have to trust me that things look much better, now!
When I had finished with my cleaning spree, I decided I was hungry. And not just any hungry. Cookie Hungry. I'm sure you can agree, this is a hunger to be taken seriously. So, with the utmost severity I went through the cupboards and assembled the supplies (luckily, I had been planning on doing some culinary experimentation this weekend, so I had everything to hand). Unfortunately, I couldn't find a suitable recipe anywhere. You see, I didn't want to make just any cookies - I wanted carob-chip cookies, since I had just procured a nice stash from the health-food-store yesterday. Soooo... I made up my own recipe. Well, sort of. I took a recipe from this vegan family cookbook I had interlibrary loaned and tweaked it.
Here it is:
21/2 c oats
1c whole wheat flour (I ended up dumping another half cup or cup in there to soak up some of the sogginess that resulted once everything was mixed together)
3/4tsp salt
1/2tsp baking soda
1/2c + 1tbs olive oil (the recipe called for margarine, but a part of me thinks that stuff is evil lol I wanted to experiment with a vegan dessert, not give myself cancer from a tub of non-food chemicals)
1/2 - 1c brown sugar
1/4c honey (or agave, depending on how you feel about the bee situation)
6tbs water
1/4c soymilk with about 1tbs lemon juice (again, the recipe called for "egg replacement powder" and I thought 'umm... that sounds gross)
1tsp vanilla
bag 'o' carob (or chocolate) chips
K. Recipe:
Preheat oven to 350

in separate bowl, mix oil, brown sugar, honey (or agave), water, egg replacement-soymilk-concoction, and vanilla.
Combine the wet ingredients into the dry ones and mix thoroughly. (This is where I found it was too goopy and added more flour to soak up some of the wet.) Then toss those delicious chips in!
Drop onto cookie sheet and flatten ever-so-slightly. Bake for about 15 minutes.
Enjoy with your favourite cuppa, or with a friend!
My poor helper was so tuckered out after all this, she had to go straight away and have a lie-down.
The other two were also, inexplicably, tired.
I was so bolstered by my success, that I have decided to try out the black-bean burger recipe that I had pinned weeks ago and been meaning to get round to trying! Well... Maybe I'll just have a little nap, first... ;)
What are some of your favourite recipes?
Oh! And here are the links to the two main websites that I used in the conversion process. Very helpful!!!
Ta, and happy baking!
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